Frequently Asked Questions

Welcome to the Frequently Asked Questions page! Here you will find answers to the most common questions our customers have asked about our invoicing service. Whether it's about registration, creating and sending invoices, taxation, or other aspects of our service, we have compiled comprehensive and clear answers to assist you. If you can't find the information you're looking for, don't hesitate to contact our customer service – we are here to help you with any questions you may have.

Customer satisfaction is of paramount importance to us, and we want to ensure that using is as smooth and straightforward as possible. Browse the questions and answers below, and you can also find answers in our Entrepreneurship School articles.


Frequently Asked Questions

Quick answers to the most frequently asked questions

How can help me?

With, you can start your business risk-free, send invoices to your customers, operate with a business name, and take advantage of many benefits to save money.

How can you contact us?

We are always ready to help! If you can’t find an answer to your question from our entrepreneurship school, we will help you via WhatsApp chat, phone, or email every day of the year, including weekends and holidays, from 9 am to 11 pm. Feel free to contact us!

Is the best invoicing service for me? is the best invoicing service for you because it offers the most comprehensive benefits to its users and a versatile service with personal customer support. Through’s invoicing service, you can easily choose whether you want to employ yourself as a light entrepreneur without a business ID or as a sole trader with a business ID. The invoicing service also provides comprehensive information related to self-employment.

Who is light entrepreneurship suitable for?

Light entrepreneurship is flexible and suitable for various life situations. Whether you are a student, gig worker, aspiring entrepreneur, retiree, or looking for side jobs alongside your day job, light entrepreneurship offers you diverse opportunities. You can also work full-time as a light entrepreneur.

How do invoicing services differ from each other?

The services offered by invoicing services are practically identical, so it is important to understand that in most invoicing services, you may pay a multiple price for the same basic service. The main differences between invoicing services are: Service fee, payment speed, customer service, service usability, and insurances. When choosing an invoicing service, it is important to consider your own needs and compare different options based on these criteria.

Why do companies also benefit from light entrepreneurship?

Light entrepreneurship is also cost-effective for the company purchasing the services. Hiring a light entrepreneur is effortless because the ordering company does not have to handle the bureaucracy related to hiring and reporting an employee. It is easy and frictionless for the ordering company to buy services from a light entrepreneur because the company only has to pay the invoice. Thus, both parties avoid unnecessary paperwork.

What VAT rate should be used for invoices?

Most goods and services are subject to the general VAT rate of 24%. Additionally, there are services taxed at a lower VAT rate that concern light entrepreneurs, such as: 14% VAT: Sale of restaurant and catering services (excluding alcohol and tobacco products), 10% VAT: Enabling physical exercise (not teaching or personal training), 0% VAT: Reverse VAT in the construction sector, fees and invoices for performing artists or other public performers or athletes, and invoices to foreign companies under certain restrictions.

Is there an age limit for using services?

The minimum age is 15 years. Users under 18 require written parental consent to use the service. There is no upper age limit. Minors can also use our service, but the minimum age is 15 years. Minors also always need a tax card for salary payments.

Am I an entrepreneur or an employee?

From a tax and accounting perspective, you are considered an employee. However, under unemployment security law, you are considered an entrepreneur from January 1, 2016. According to the decisions of pension insurance companies, you are also included under the entrepreneur’s pension insurance from May 1, 2017, if the conditions are met. You must take out YEL insurance when the conditions are met. YEL insurance can also be taken retroactively but must be taken within six months from the time the YEL insurance conditions are met.

How does an invoicing service differ from working with a tax card?

When you work with a tax card, your client must handle all payroll-related obligations, which can be time-consuming. Many find this cumbersome and even impossible. Why should they spend hours dealing with taxes in addition to making payments? Through our service, all bureaucracy is handled for you, and the client only needs to pay the invoice. When you invoice through, purchasing your services becomes much easier!

How do invoicing services differ from each other?

The services offered by invoicing companies are practically identical, so it is important to understand that you may pay multiple times for the same basic service in many invoicing companies. Differences between invoicing services are mainly: service fee, salary payment speed, customer service, usability of the service, and insurance. When choosing an invoicing service, it is important to consider your own needs and compare different options based on these criteria.

Light entrepreneur and YEL insurance

A person or light entrepreneur using an invoicing service like is considered an employee for tax purposes but may have a statutory obligation to pay YEL, the entrepreneur’s pension insurance, if the YEL conditions are met:

  • You are 18-68 years old
  • Light entrepreneurship through the invoicing service is recurring, meaning you send more than one invoice and your activity as a light entrepreneur or entrepreneur continues for at least four months
  • Your income is at least 9,010.28 euros over a 12-month period (2024)
  • You are not receiving a pension under the employment pension laws

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